thought that perhaps a massive governmental appropriation might just solve all our problems. However, he also pointed out that we needed the backing of giant private corporations so that we could eventually declare a national strike. He'd see to it that the authorities should grant all our demands, although he would not openly campaign for us.

In a most optimistic mood I then proceeded to contact Governor Reagan. He smiled when he saw me. "Your make-up could stand some fixing, he said, if you people insist on acting out the part of a girl, for Heaven's sake, be real: Acting is a serious business. As President of the United States I'll give strict orders that TV's should not be molested as long as nobody reads them. But, woe to those that can be read: Must have order, you know. I will also organize a TV Corps for Viet Nam and all of South East Asia you will lure the enemy guerillas and then wham! TVism can be a most effective weapon against Communist aggression."


Unfortunately one cannot daydream indefinitely and I shook myself into reality as the phone rang and a TV from out of town was asking me if he could come to my apartment to dress for a few hours. The guerrillas at home had ceased their attacks for one evening. And speaking of guerrillas, let me add a few notches to my anti-marriage campaign for TV's. Have met in the last 3 weeks three new TV's. Just coming out from the woodwork. The three of them have emerged reeling under the ceaseless bombardment of the psychological insecticide they have been receiving at home. Let's call them X, Y, and Z. In the case of X, the GG at home has known from before the marriage. Obviously she hoped to "cure" X - and just as obviously, X has not been cured. On the contrary, he is climbing the walls. The poor thing has been so restrained that he's scared to death to put on make-up fearing that a wee bit of a smudge might be left on his lips or cheeks. It is really pitiful to meet a human being so full of fear. H is the kind that won't stop trembling unless we put the chain on the door of my apartment.